The holiday's are all about trying new and exciting recipes, and we are loving this spiced ginger cider recipe from Crabbie's. Made with a fragrant cinnamon syrup and a vanilla brandy, it's a cocktail you will enjoy sipping all winter long while sitting (with your feet up, of course) next to a roaring fire.
4-6 Cocktails
8oz vanilla infused brandy
2oz raisin bitters
3oz cinnamon syrup
8oz 100% pure apple cider
One bottle of Crabbie's Alcoholic Ginger Beer (500ml)
Recipe Directions:
To build:
In a medium sized punch bowl, place vanilla brandy, bitters, syrup, and cider then fill with cubed ice. Add 4oz of Crabbie's Alcoholic Ginger Beer and garnish with flamed orange zest (discarding zest), sliced apple wheels and 2 sticks of cinnamon.
Cinnamon Syrup
In a sauce pan, place one litre of water and 500ml sugar. Add two 4" sticks of whole cinnamon and bring to boil then reduce to medium simmer for 10mins to reduce mixture. Remove from the stove and strain. Let cool to room temperature and place in a sealable container in the fridge. Will last up to one week in the fridge.
Vanilla brandy
In a mason jar, place 9 sticks of vanilla bean sliced lengthwise and 26oz brandy. Let infuse for 2 weeks, fine strain and serve.